
Hi, my name is Tom. I am a gamer. I was born and raised in San Leandro, CA. I didn’t get into games into I was in high school. By then, I was interested in  electronics and military history. I had heard of wargames for purchase by the general public, but where could I buy them?  I bought one with my Dad’s money , by mail. it was called “The Battle of the Bulge.” This battle was the first major battle Dad fought in. It help the game was endorsed, which was on the box, by his former commander. A. C. McAuliffe.

A couple of years later my friends were into D&D. I wasn’t a fan. Over time, my opinion changed.  I found out about other systems. Finally, in 1987 I obtained my first copy of GURPS.  Whoo Hoo!

Here’s the thing. I am not a big fan of medieval fantasy. I played my share of D&D, GURPS, and other systems you may know about. I more into historical and science fiction. Still, I have seen various fantasy filmsYes, I love Star Trek. The last ten or so years I GMed GURPS Prime Directive at local conventions. Prime Directive is not Star Trek. I think in some ways it’s better. That for another time.

BTW, I like other scifi. More about that later.

Another interest is World War Two. Twenty years ago, I wanted to run a game set in WWII. Nazis,  Imperial Japanese, and Italian fascists are ready made bad guys.

What I did for a living is unimportant. I’m retired. I have arthritis and getting around is a b… Just letting you know.